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Consultancy, Coaching & Artist/Creative Partner


'Working with Diane has opened my mind to opportunities I didn't know were out there. The vision for my music business to serve global artists has become so much clearer because of the consistent work with Diane. As I continue to advance internationally, working with Diane gives me weekly insight on making smart decisions, which continue to lead to growing the vision. I cannot recommend enough working with Diane, especially as a solo entrepreneur.' 

Brandon Myers, Artist Vision Partner, Founder/Director - Marmalade


"I've been working with Diane on and off for almost three years now. I'm a music industry exec, working in global operations in an artist services company but I started out as an artist! As a young female artist, I experienced the dark side of the industry and by my mid-twenties I was traumatised and struggling with my identity. I ended up almost giving up completely on a career as an artist to work on the business side. My hope was to use my experiences to help the artist community! After some time doing that, Diane helped me realise that I will always be an artist and it's my calling! Diane has supported me, advised me as an artist, sown into my confidence and encouraged me as an artist and young female music exec. Diane is smart, knowledgeable and respected in the industry while being beautifully authentic, nurturing and caring - she really helps me, so much! She is awesome!"

Kiki O'Connell, Singer, Songwriter & Producer


There aren’t too many in the music business that I would unreservedly recommend as someone to care for and develop artists, but I can say without hesitation that Diane is the best at it. Artists need the experience of Diane more than ever, something I am still grateful for myself.

In my work supporting the development of artists and their wider skillsets there have been countless moments where she has offered essential guidance and advice to myself as a manager. We have been indebted to her at Karousel Music CIC for her always open door and for the coaching she has offered over the last 5 years.

Chris Sheehan - CEO Karousel Music


Working with Diane Wagg…

I have grown so much creatively in the past 3 years. Diane has been instrumental in the development and crafting of that creativity growth spurt.

There were times I wanted to throw in the towel, when it all felt too much to keep doing, crafting, writing, producing, creating, singing, recording, designing…

Diane knows the music industry, and what it takes to get your music heard and what it means to be an Artist.

Diane could see the bigger picture ahead even when my vision became foggy and deflated until, I picked myself up, brushed myself off and kept going.

I have realised the life of the Independent Recording Artist, and I could not have done it without the amazing and gracious, Diane Wagg in my corner.



Consulting with Diane

As an accountant working in the music business I have seen many music managers and music consultants working with artists/producers and composers. My experience of seeing Diane work with our mutual clients has been to see her demonstrate her innate understanding of the business and what is required to carve a successful career. Diane has the highest of ethical standards and shows great care and consideration and understanding of her client’s needs and goals.

Margaret Cody


On Diane’s 4-year tenure as Co-Chair and then sole Chair of the Music Managers Forum (MMF UK):


“Working in tandem with our Chief Executive, Annabella Coldrick, Diane Wagg has been fundamental in transforming who the MMF represents and what it stands for. As well as overseeing industry-changing initiatives such as Dissecting The Digital Dollar and the FanFair Alliance campaign which have helped foster a new era of transparency and trust, there has also been a sea change in the make-up of our membership and our board. The increase in membership, especially among younger and female managers is testimony to Diane’s impact, her leadership and her innate sense of inclusiveness. Our last year working together has been hugely enjoyable.” 

Paul Craig, Chair MMF UK, Nostromo Management, Manager Biffy Clyro…


“Diane disrupted the MMF as a bit of a millionaire boys club, which as a bi guy working in electronic music I didn’t relate to and, rightly or wrongly, I perceived that I wouldn’t have a real voice in. Dianne listened, cared and dispelled that perception for me and furthermore encouraged myself and others to stand for the board to make sure that people like me were actually represented, could shape future decisions and no longer felt disenfranchised. There is a record number of LGBTQUIA+ and female board members now and a record number of members in general. The Wonderful Wagg has changed my own expectations of what I can achieve in artist management. What a glorious gift to give to me and many other members.”

Steven Braines, The Weird & Wonderful 


“Diane has been a real rock of support for me personally. She ensured a welcome introduction, not only to MMF members but throughout the wider industry. I’ll always be in debt to her generosity and expertise, and for the positive stamp she has made on the MMF - ensuring we represent a greater diversity of managers, and a greater number of managers overall. I know that Paul and Kwame are huge advocates of her achievements, and I look forward to working with both of them.

Annabella Coldrick, Chief Executive, Music Managers Forum


"When Diane took over the helm of the MMF it was like a whirlwind of fresh inspiration. She has spearheaded the drive for diversity within the organisation, which showed real vision. By bringing in younger managers and by getting more women on the board, it has made the MMF more relevant than ever." 

Jackie Davidson, Jackie Davidson Management 


“Diane has brought people together; her altruistic nature and warm demeanour has allowed the MMF to flourish. Leadership in this way allows people to grow and develop. The MMF has become an even more important voice whilst also pushing for an open and diverse membership. It’s a testament to Diane that she has allowed this to be the case. We all need more Diane’s in our lives!”

Ellie Giles, Step Music Management


“Diane has been an outstanding Chair of the MMF who has shepherded the organisation through some incredibly challenging times in the industry.  And while all the industry transformation was going on, Diane worked tirelessly through the transition from Webbo to Annabella as MMF Chief Exec and strengthened the organisation tremendously.  The voice of the artist and manager has never been stronger and while there is still much to be done, she has worked to grow the membership, improve the professionalisation of the organisation, and deliver a coherent view on key industry issues. While she will be missed in the seat of chair, we are fortunate not only that she will carry on but also that she hands over to an incredibly capable new team.” 

Paul Burger, Soho Artists

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